Menstrual Cups

Menstrual Cups are quite simply life changing! They make your period easier to manage, far more comfortable and higher capacity. I just wish they had existed when I was younger!

30 Items
Merula Menstrual Cup
£23.00  -  £28.00
Merula Cup Bundle
Fleurcup Menstrual Cup
Lena Cup Menstrual Cup
When It's Gone It's Gone
Lumma Menstrual Cup Medium
LadyCup Menstrual Cups
When It's Gone It's Gone
Lumma Menstrual Cups Short
The Period Lady Digital Gift Voucher
£10.00  -  £250.00

Menstrual Cups

Don't be put off trying a reusable menstrual cup if you've never got on with tampons, reusable menstrual cups work completely differently and not at all comparable.

Tampons strip your vaginal walls of its lining and soak up the healthy discharge and vaginal secretions you need to keep your body's natural flora at the optimum levels.

A menstrual cup takes the blood, menstrual fluid and leaves everything else.

As with tampons it is still important to regularly empty and clean your period cups to prevent toxic shock syndrome. Once you try a cup you'll never want to use disposable tampons again!

Cups Give You Freedom

Cups give you the freedom to get on with your life and forget your period is even happening. Menstrual cup use has increased by an incredible amount in the last decade. Silicone cup users regularly tell us how they have improved their lives.

Once inserted properly you won't be able to feel it.

Using a Menstrual Cup is Easy!

Many women only have to empty their cup of menstrual blood after 8-12 hours giving you the freedom from changes at work or school. Most menstrual cup brands sell a small cup and a larger size, sometimes the larger cup is if you have given birth vaginally. Cups of either size give you a high capacity.  Menstrual cups leak free days!

High Cervix and Low Cervix

Don't worry if you have a higher than average cervix or a low cervix we stock a shorter cup and a longer cup range especially to suit your individiual requirements.


There are many different ways to insert your cup, they really are easy to insert and no bigger than a tampon once folded. The punch down fold and C fold are the most popular


While a menstruation cup looks expensive, they're designed to last up to 10 years, so it pays for itself within a few months. Most people only have one cup however some prefer  a larger cup for the start of their cycle when they are heavier and a smaller cup for the end of their cycle.


Most menstrual cups are made from latex-free materials such as medical grade silicone, making it a great option for people with latex allergies. If you have a sensitive bladder there are soft cups such as the Saalt Soft which are especially comfortable. Most cups do not have any other additions other than colour for the coloured varieties.

The Period Lady Range

Menstrual cup UK, we stock the best range. We have a menstrual cup for heavy flow or light flow. With our extensive guides you can ensure when you decide on your menstrual cup buy with confidence. Our menstrual cup price will be the best you can find.

Easy to remove

Pull the stem of the cup gently until you can reach the base. Pinch the base to release the seal and pull down to remove the cup.

Cup or Menstrual Discs?

Menstrual cups sit in the vaginal canal where as a menstrual disc sit behind your pubic bone. People mainly use discs for mess free period sex.

Menstrual Cup Brands - The best menstrual cups


Mooncup is one of the most well known reusable menstrual cups in the UK and has been around the longest. It is the cup that tends to suit the vast majority of people and copes with most menstrual flow types.


Now however there is a vast range and our best seller is the Saalt range. The Saalt soft menstrual cup was designed in conjunction with put a cup in it and is considered by many as the best menstrual cup. Ideal for women with sensitive bladders as it's a very gentle cup while still offering excellent capacity.


If you have a very strong pelvic floor or vaginal muscles then the Yukki hard cup is the one for you, it's a firmer cup with the nickname the rock!

There are some disposable menstrual cups on the market but we only stock reusable ones. No need to create waste with a disposable menstrual cup when almost all menstrual cups are reusable options.

Cleaning your reusable menstrual cup

In general, there are two types of menstrual cup cleaning: the cleaning you do in between insertions (during your cycle), and the cleaning you do in between cycles. There's no reason to spend extra money on special cup-cleaning soaps. Any hand soap or mild soap will work just fine to clean your period cup.

Other names

It's not always an easy word to spell so welcome if you are looking for menstral.cup, menstraul cup, menstral cup

Menstrual cup where to buy?

That's easy! Right here at The Period Lady!

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